I would like to explain how the PIASP teaching method is conform to CBA and bloom's taxonomy. First let me say that if there was no Bloom there wouldn't be CBA . I tackled this Topic with my trainees last year "How to teach Grammar " here you are what I did and pardon me to be a bit long :
1. After Performing a PPU or PDP Lesson &
Once the learners have acquired the new functional Language learning they need to see the Structural One ( grammar)
2. Learners need to see the Language Form supported in the Functional language learning
3. Bloom’s taxonomy in our teaching system
The Competency-Based Approach is a cognitive approach. It is indeed indebted to Bloom’s taxonomy (Cf. Bloom, B. et al , Taxonomy of Educational Objectives vol 1 ‘The Cognitive Domain’ and vol 2, ‘The Affective Domain’, New York: Mckay, New York, 1964) . Bloom has claimed that all educational objectives can be classified as “cognitive” (to do with information and “affective” (to do with attitudes, values and emotions) or “psychomotor” (to do with bodily movements, such as setting up some apparatus). He has said that cognitive objectives form a hierarchy by which the learner must achieve lower order objectives before s/he can achieve higher ones. (see Table 1 below).
Knowledge 1 recalls knowledge Comprehension
2 Learner analyses information by separating information into parts
Application 3 Learner applies knowledge to new situations
Analysis 4 split into parts for better understanding
Synthesis 5 Learner builds new knowledge from diverse elements
Evaluation 6 Learner sets a value on the new information
(Table 1 Adpated version of Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Bloom’s hierarchical model of cognitive thinking is illustrated in the importance that the Competency-Based Approach in the Middle School Syllabus accords to the mobilisation of knowledge and skills, their gradual integration at higher levels (from level 1 to 6 in the table above), their application to new situations of learning or use, the generation of new knowledge and skills and finally the evaluation of the process and product of thinking. This is the ideal route to the acquisition of competency called a savoir-agir in the syllabus. For instance, a learner will need to know a principle before s/he can understand it. S/he must understand it before s/he can apply it. S/he should be able to cut it into smaller fragments and relate it to other principles (analysis) before s/he can summarise it and draw conclusions, and thus evaluate it.
Source” Programme D’anglais MS1 level
Teaching Grammar With Bloom's Taxonomy
Integrate English grammar naturally into everyday language arts lessons. Using Bloom's Taxonomy, lead students to appreciate grammar.
Grammar needn't be a word that inspires eye rolling amongst students. Show students that English grammar and the eight parts of speech in all they read. Teachers know that teaching grammar is important because when students grasp the foundation of language, they improve their spoken and written communication. Empower students with this information, and then start a dialogue focusing on grammar.
Grammatical terms and patterns cannot be covered through one lesson plan or unit, so it they should be taught through a continuum of discussion and gradual advancement of difficulty. Because English grammar is in all parts of writing and reading, use complete immersion for teaching. Follow Bloom's Taxonomy as you introduce concepts in English grammar and parts of speech.
Acknowledge that students already possess knowledge of grammar even though they may not know it. Students who read and write have an understanding of English grammar, such as parts of speech and parts of a sentence. Start with the basics, and show students examples of words that describe, words that are objects or people, and words that show action from within their text
Define the eight parts of speech — nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. Have students create posters with a definition and an example for each part of speech to display in the classroom display. After students comprehend the terms, apply them to their reading by pointing out examples.
Apply terms to sentence structures and examine where basic sentence parts fall. Explain that parts of speech are used in different parts of a sentence. For example, a noun can be in the subject, direct object, predicate word, indirect object or object of a preposition position. Build these ideas naturally, as the class sees them while reading. Students understand complex topics like grammar better when ideas are taught in context.
Show how punctuation rules work to make a text easier to read. Explain punctuation within quotation marks. Demonstrate the different uses for a semicolon. Analyze situations that provide contradictions and exceptions to rules. For instance, discuss commas and their tricks. Look at the debate over serial commas. Show students that grammar has leeway, and some ideas are debatable.
Students will differentiate between different grammatical parts, and "tear apart" sentences to decide which sub-types these parts are. You may need to return to memorizing charts as students' knowledge of grammar progresses. For instance, students may recognize a word as a pronoun, but they will need to learn the difference between subjective, nominative and objective pronouns as well as the singular and plural form of each. Knowing the type of pronoun will aid in understanding proper pronoun use, such as using the objective form for the object of a preposition.
As you continue teaching grammar, students will recognize that grammatical formations differ enough to have different names. Begin adding more difficult grammatical sub-parts (such as verbals) as students show the ability to evaluate the basics and make informed decisions concerning syntax. Review the eight parts of speech as necessary and continue explaining grammar in all forms of communication.
Language arts classes too often lack English grammar instruction. Knowing the foundation of a language provides learning opportunities beyond schoolwork. Grammar should not be taught as an individual unit of instruction. Instead, teach it every day so students realize it is part of their language, and that they can understand it.
Copyright Lauralee Moss
Teaching grammar can be done using PIASP Teaching Method So
What is PIASP?
P = Presentation
< Presenting the context in which the grammatical structure appears >
Aim: To get the learner see the structure- its form and meaning-in contest.
so here your learners will deal with the first Bloom's taxonomy category .
Knowledge < Learners recall knowledge: where they will define and identify the structure seen before .
• The Learner will do that if he = defines, describes, identifies, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states
I =Isolation
The focus is temporarily on the grammatical item itself.
Aim: get the learner perceive & recognize the grammatical item what it looks like .
This goes also with the second category of Bloom's taxonomy Comprehension: where your learners will be able to infer, interpret, paraphrase, predict, rewrite, summarize.
A= Analysis
Here you will try to make your learners analyse the isolated items.
Aim: To get the learner perceive how they are formed ,how they function and what they mean, in short what rules govern them. The objective is that the learner should understand the various aspects of the structure.
This has a great link with the fourth category Analysis" (Bloom’s Taxonomy) where your learners will be able to: analyse, breaks down, compares, contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates, infers, outlines, relates, selects, separates.
S = Stating rule
Here after they analyse you help them to formulate the grammar rule
And this what Bloom called "Synthesis" where the learners are able to Build a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure through the following key words
"Reconstruct, relate, reorganize, revise, rewrite, summarize, tell, write.
P= Practice <Written /Oral Work>
The practice stage consists of a series of exercises. Three (3) Types of tasks may be included
a- Based form task: Mechanical manipulation
< All the learners have to do is to produce the
Correct form. They get practice is SAYING or WRITING
The new structure (manipulation of the written and spoken Form) but do not use it to express meaning.
Focus is on Form only>
b- Meaning based task: Focus is on meaning. This time the production of the correct forms involves meaning as well and cannot be done without Comprehension (they cannot be done through mere mechanical manipulation)
c- Communicative based task: (emphasis is on transmitting message) the target structure is used “To say” and “do things”.
Samples of Grammar Items in our Manuals
Teaching Grammar in MS1 Book “”Spot Light on English
1. File One (Hello) Reminder page 36
2. File 2 (Family & friends) Reminder page 57
3. File 3 (Sports) Reminder page 76
4. File 4 (In & Out) Reminder page 98
5. File 5 (Environment) Reminder page 161
Teaching Grammar in MS2 Book ”Spot Light on English Book 2
1. File 1 : A person’s Profile : Reminder Sequence 1 page 11/ Reminder sequence 2 page 15/Reminder Sequence 3 page 19.
2. File Two:” Language Games: Reminder Sequence 1Page31/ Reminder Sequence 2 page 34 /Reminder Sequence 3 page 39
3. File 3: Health: Reminder sequence 1 page 54. Reminder Sequence 2 page59 / Reminder sequence 3 page 63 + Reminder File 5 “Food” page 118.
4. File Four: Cartoon. Reminder sequence 1 page77/ Reminder Sequence 2 age 82 / Reminder sequence 3 page 87.
5. File Five “Theatre) . Reminder sequence 1 page 100/ reminder sequence 2 page104/reminder sequence 3 page 108.
Teaching Grammar in MS3 ”Spot Light on English Book 3
1. File 1 “Communication “ Sequence 1 < Your Turn> page 21. / Sequence 2 (Your Turn page 29)/Sequence 3 (Your Turn page 36)
2. File 2:”Travel” Sequence 1 < Your Turn page 59> /Sequence 2 < Your Turn page 67>/ Sequence 3 < Your Turn page 75>
3. File 3: “Work & Play” Sequence 1 <Your Turn page 97> /Sequence 2 <Your Turn page 102> / Sequence 3 < Your Turn page 108>
4. File Four “ Around the World” : Seqence1 < Your Turn page 132> / Sequence 2 <Imagine page 139>/ Sequence 3 < Your Turn page 146
Teaching Grammar in MS4 Book “”On the Move”
1. File 1 : “ It’s my treat” < Grammar windows page 19/22.
2. File 2 “ You can do it” <Grammar windows page 44 & 47>
3. File 3 : “Great Expectations” < Grammar windows pages 68 & 71>
4. File 4 : “Then & Now” <Grammar windows pages 93&97>
5. File 5 :”Dreams, Dreams….<Grammar windows page 120 & 123>
6. File 6 : “Fact & Fiction” < Grammar Windows pages 144 & 147>
Sample of PIASP grammar item form the MS1 level manual
MS1 level File 2 ( Family & Friends)
Presentation :
A : Who is that ? B :That is Jim my friend . He is from England.
Isolation : who that he
Analysis :who= « wh question word » « that » demonstrative « he » = pronoun
Stating rule :
« whqq »+verb »obj+ ? / Demonstrative+S+V+obj »
« who » ⇒ « wh question word »
« that /this » ⇒ ”demonstrative »
« he /she » ⇒ « personal pronouns »
Based form Task:
Exercise: Re-order the words to make correct questions.
1- Sally/ is / who/?/ à
2- English/ she /is/?/à
3- from/ is/?/she/where/ à
Meaning based task:
Exercise : Match the pair
sentence Meaning
1- Sally is English a- age.
2- Sally is 10. b- family member
3- Sally is Tina’s sister. c- nationality .
Communicative based task:
Activity 'a'p46 : Complete the conversation.
Sally : Look. This is Charles.
Aminata : Is he your brother ?
Sally : Yes, he is .He 's a student et the university of Manchester.
Aminata : And, who is this
Sally : It's / He's my uncle.
Aminata : what's his name ?
Sally : His name is Peter.
Aminata : Is he in Manchester, too ?
Sally : No, he is not. He 's in Londonondo
1. Time will not permit to tackle the Functional learning
Objectives & the structural ones in the same séance so if teachers
Can reach the Stating rule of the PIASP teaching method , they
Will be able to tackle the Practice (Phase) in the next séance .
2. Teachers can also consolidate the grammar items with extra tasks ( worksheets) to be done as home works