• Grammar Techniques

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted by bibbah
No comments | Monday, April 15, 2013
Professional Competence

§  Knowledge of legislation( rights and duties, school regulations, relation with stakeholders…..
§  Is the teacher familiar with the reference documents?
§  ( syllabus, accompanying document, teacher’s guide..)
§  Are the pedagogical supporting materials available and designed / planned appropriately? ( personal / class log book,yearly planning,unit plan, mark book, projects’ files….)
§  Are there any research initiatives? Use of extra resources and teaching aids)

Pedagogical Competence

§  Does the teacher set clearly the teaching-learning objectives for his/her lesson?
§  To what extent do they accord with the advocated syllabus and its basic principles?
§  Does the teacher set appropriate tasks in accordance with the set of objectives?
§  Does the teacher encourage interaction and partnership?
§  Does he / she urge learners autonomy and critical thinking?
§  How does the teacher cope with the unexpected happenings?
§  Is the teacher class control and time management rational?

Didactic Competence

§  Does the teacher apply the principles of the newly implemented approach ‘ CBA’?
§  Is the teacher able to transform the curriculum into learning-classroom practices?
§  Does he / she apply a variety of strategies?

Disciplinary Competence

§  Grammar
§  Semantics
§  Morphology
§  Phonology
§  Proficiency in the four skills

Topical, Cultural and Technological Competence

§  Mastery of topics implemented
§  Richness and relevance of information
§  Ability to explain and convince learners about particular cultural situations
§  Readiness for learning and improvement
§  Ability to vary the resources ( books – websites…)


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