child develops differently when learning to read and spell. The
following teaching methods use the Test-Study-Test Method to help a
child learn how to spell words correctly.
Spelling Tests
The Test-Study-Test Method administers 2 spelling tests to identify
the words a child misspells and a word study session to remedy any
spelling errors.
Take a Spelling Test
On Monday, perform a spelling test. For example, you may administer a
test of 10 words for a first grader. If your child is in fourth grade,
double the number of words and give a spelling test using 20 words.
Child Corrects Spelling Test
Let your child or student correct their own paper. If a word is
misspelled, write the word again using the correct spelling. It is
important to make sure they identify the words that are misspelled and
rewrite them using the correct spelling. Many children can self-correct
their work so offer assistance when needed but let them correct their
work. If your child requires supervision, help guide them through this
Careful Study the Misspelled Words
Your child should study the words she did not spell correctly.
Writing the word several times from memory helps a child learn to
correctly spell it. When you write something down, you print it on the
brain. See below for additional information on word study techniques.
Take Another Spelling Test
On Wednesday, administer another spelling test. If your child spells
all the words correct, he does not need to take the test again on
Friday. Since he has mastered these words, he should read or write a
story in lieu of taking a spelling test. Use your professional judgment
to determine the cutoff as to whether or not a child needs to take
another test, e.g. 90% or 1-2 errors. The goal is to learn how to spell
these words correctly not to torture a child with spelling tests. If
your child needs to take another test, carefully study the misspelled
words again. Look at each word and help your child identify spelling
patterns, syllabication, suffixes or irregularities to help them spell
it correctly the next time.
Final Spelling Test
On Friday, if applicable give another spelling test to your child if
she misspelled words on the Wednesday test. Let your child chart their
final scores.
Word Study
The following 5-step word study can help a child learn how to spell a word correctly.
- Look at the word.
- Say the word out loud.
- Spell the word. Say each letter out loud or to yourself.
- Write the word several times. Using your memory, write the word.
- Check the spelling of your words written from memory.
If you misspell a word, repeat the process and begin with step 1.
The above teaching tips and word study are great tools to assist a child
when learning how to spell new words.
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