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Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted by bibbah
No comments | Monday, April 15, 2013

The approach based on competency leads to some revision of the teacher’s profession.. The teacher will have to:
  • Put emphasis on what is essential in order to ensure the learner’s academic success, his personal development and his integration in society.
  • Develop the cultural dimension by facing the learner with fundamental and universal values.
  • Make sure that the learners will be thoroughly taken in charge; for that, it is necessary to specify the requirement the teacher must satisfy and propose a progression of the learning processes.
  • Give each learner an appropriate and personalised answer to each particular need.
  • Organise the teaching while taking into account the development of the competencies that require a long lasting pedagogical operation and the rhythm of the pupil’s learning process while avoiding the risk of repeating the year.
  • Integrate N.T.I.C that have become an absolute must, and stand for indispensable resources for learning and teaching. These technologies are not only means of consulting sources of documentation but also means of production. A sensible use of these techniques will allow the development of a transversal competency in a methodological field.
  • Do more than teaching as merely communicating knowledge.
  • Create various means of teaching.
  • Share his power, negotiate with the learners and accept their point of view.
  • Work on projects, and to do so, he must have a perfect knowledge of the project procedures.
  • Possess a good knowledge of group dynamics.
  • Be able to conduct discussions, to act as a mediator between the learners and analyse the group functioning.
  • Clarify the processes, the ways the learners think and act; thus the teacher displays greater transparency.
  • Encourage and guide the learner’s efforts by showing the learner that he is allowed to make errors and to have doubts.
  • Enhance the value of co-operation between the learners.
  • Proceed to formative evaluation in working situations.
  • Open to other disciplines and have discussions with his colleagues about methods and interdisciplinary concerns.


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