• Grammar Techniques

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted by bibbah
No comments | Monday, April 15, 2013

Suggested Types of Tasks for Transitional Baccalaureate Paper


  •  Choosing (all streams) / giving the general idea of the text (LLE)
  • Answering multiple choice questions
  • True / false statements
  • Locating the right paragraph
  • Filling the table with information from the text
  • Putting ideas in the right order according to their occurrence in the text
  • Answering comprehension questions
  • Choosing (all streams) / giving a title to the text (LLE)
  • Identifying type of discourse
  • Identifying type of text
  • Matching words from the text with their definitions
  • Finding words in the text whose definitions are given
  • Forming words adding the right affixes
  • Deriving nouns, adjectives, verbs…
  • Giving opposites keeping the same roots
  • Giving opposites,synonyms to words from the text
  • Combining statements with connectors provided
  • Asking questions to the underlined words
  • Paraphrasing with prompts given
  • Supplying the correct form(s) of the verbs in a given passage
  • Matching pairs that rhyme
  • Classifying words according to final « ed » / « s »
  • Underlining the silent letters
  • Stress pattern
  • Weak and strong form
  • filling gaps with a number of words
  • re ordering scrambled sentences into a paragraph with or without a distractor
  • matching statements from A with statements from B
  • dialogue completion
PART 2: Written Expression
  •  Two topics should be suggested, the first one with given prompts and the seconda free topic.


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