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Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted by bibbah
No comments | Monday, April 15, 2013

Teaching strategies:

By focusing more on the learner, the teaching objectives facilitate the learning assessment. Thus, diagnostic, formative and summative assessments make it possible to redefine the globality of assessing act as well as the interdependence between the different moment when it takes place.
Besides, the pedagogical objectives insist on the principle that only what has been clearly stated can be assessed at the end of the learning process. Because he focuses his action on the learner and his learning process, the teacher determines the teaching objectives in terms of development, decides on the choice of appropriate methods, situations, assessment tools, ways of reinvesting pre-requisites and types of remedial work.
Thus the meaning of assessment changes: from being a final external sanctioning action (normative, summative and certificative), it becomes the driving force for learning.
It allows judgement and appropriation on one hand and motivation on the other hand.
Through making the learning objectives explicit, the teacher proposes to give the learner meaning to his task, and shows him that the result to reach is accessible.
The proper wording of these objectives clarifies the object of the learning process. It is only then that a great autonomy can be achieved.
Even if all the pupils do not achieve the same objectives at the same time, their formulation facilitates the organisation of a personalized pedagogy and gives new impulse to the learner’s involvement.
Mutual commitment between teacher and learner through a language comprehensible to both partners allows a better definition of the contract between teacher and learner, that is to say the result to be achieved by the learner.
It will also facilitate the identification of the different commitments of each partner, the final evaluation of the project and improve communication between the partners.


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