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Monday, April 29, 2013

Posted by bibbah
No comments | Monday, April 29, 2013
Classroom Management Tips

ÿ Praise your students whenever possible.

ÿ Give the opportunity to students to express themselves (weak ones).

ÿ Time your lessons.

ÿ Teach students how to assess themselves before being assessed by someone else. ( peer or teacher)

ÿ Assign students different responsibilities according to their interest and motivation.

ÿ Share your classroom management problems with colleagues and learn from their experiences.

ÿ Assess your classes and try to detect weaknesses, mistakes... ,and overcome them in due time.

ÿ Involve students in your lessons. Listen to their suggestions and opinions. They can be of great help.

ÿ Avoid being too much familiar with students.( Be friendly, but not a friend!)

ÿ Encourage participation in class.

ÿ Organize your writing on blackboard and use it effectively.

ÿ Have a legible hand-writing on black / white board.

ÿ Donít make comments that can hurt students.

ÿ Avoid repeating things for students.

ÿ Show your interest in your studentsí comments and remarks about the lesson.

ÿ Encourage class discussions.

ÿ Never break the rules you set at the beginning of the year.

ÿ Donít engage in discussions that are not related to the lesson.

ÿ Donít forget that you should be an educator before being a teacher.

ÿ Always check your studentsí understanding by asking them questions.

ÿ Try to respect your timing without being ruled by it.

ÿ Use psychology and try to cure rather than punish.

ÿ Try to have an atmosphere of consciousness and maturity so that students feel at ease

ÿ Act with fairness and give a chance to students to develop their personalities.

ÿ Donít get angry at wrong answers. Be patient! Thatís a great quality.

ÿ Make sure that studentsí mistakes are parts of their learning.

ÿ Encourage and praise your students. They will work more.

ÿ Check their work to show that you give importance to everyone.

ÿ Donít give too much homework.

ÿ Use accurate tools and information in class

ÿ Identify studentsí needs

ÿ Set limits of behaviour and avoid confrontations.

ÿ When explaining, suggest examples that students can understand.

ÿ Try, when possible, to help students individually with their personal problems

ÿ Never neglect students who seem completely uninterested.

ÿ Use jokes now and then to lower pressure and make students ready to grasp

ÿ Guide your students in a comfortable way.

ÿ Donít spoon-feed students. They sometimes need to show you their competencies.

ÿ Exploit class incidents and be creative in class.

ÿ Help students identify their mistakes and correct them.

ÿ Encourage students to be open-minded and tolerant when exchanging opinion.

ÿ Be yourself tolerant and solve problems appropriately.

ÿ Donít feel in a hurry to give an answer if you donít know.

ÿ Better say, ëIíll check for the right answerí than giving a wrong one.

ÿ Create a climate of trust in your class.

ÿ Behave naturally in class and be modest.

ÿ Be close to your students.

ÿ Try to leave hints between sessions to keep students motivated for the topic.

ÿ Avoid teaching in a monotonous way; vary techniques, and show enthusiasm.

ÿ Avoid giving too long tasks.

ÿ Show satisfaction when students are participating.

ÿ Be interest in your studentsí problems. Try to be a good listener.

ÿ Avoid being talkative.

Selected Classroom management hints - Seminar ñ Oran, Algeria; January 26 & 27, 2009


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