As with any lesson, the activities you use will be
determined by your objectives /language outcomes. As for this proper lesson,
the students will:
a) Use prediction of content to aid their gist understanding of the text.
b) Practise extracting detailed information from the text.
c) Improve their ability to understand various features of pronunciation such
as weak forms, elision and assimilation.
The first part of my lesson focus would be Listening for Gist and would focus
on the first aim. During the Gist Listening stage the student is encouraged to
listen for overall understanding of the message of the text without necessarily
retaining all the minor details, or being able to repeat back the exact words
the speaker used.
· Warm-Up: This
stage aims to activate the students’ knowledge of the topic. Show the class two
pictures of Sean Connery, one from the Bond days and one more recent. Check the
students recognise him, then divide them into groups of about three and ask
them to tell each other everything they know about him. When they finish,
elicit their ideas and write everything they say on the board without
commenting on its accuracy. If they have contradictory ideas,
both ideas go up.
Listening for
Gist: Play the recording while the
students listen to find out:
a) which of the facts on the board are confirmed by the text
b) which are contradicted
c) if the text gives any other information
The students may need to hear the tape more than once to complete the task -
ask them after the first play if they'd like a repetition. Be careful however
not to accept a 'No' answer just from the stronger students. Check with the
weaker, less confident ones too and allow the listening phase to run at their
Follow Up: After listening, the students discuss these questions
in pairs before their answers are elicited at full class level. If there is any
difference of opinion, the teacher again does not confirm the correct answer,
but writes both ideas up. S/he then replays the tape pausing after it mentions
each piece of information listed on the board. At this stage, the teacher’s
focus is (surreptitiously) on the students who got it wrong or didn’t hear the
information at all the first time. Often, once students know what they are
listening for, they are able to hear the answer accurately. If not, the teacher
puts a question mark next to the different ideas and tells the students they’ll
find out later.
At this point the students would
seem to be at the same stage as I was after my initial listening to the
recording. However, there is a difference. Whilst I may not have retained all
the facts in the text, and while my memory may even have distorted those which
I focused on, as a native speaker I certainly heard and understood all the
other information which the tape contained at the moment of listening.
Understanding and retention are two different processes, and need to be treated
as such in the classroom. The next part of the lesson therefore aims to check
if the students can actually understand the information given without asking
them to retain it :
Listening for
detailed information : the teacher
gives out a worksheet with questions such as : Connery is English; He wasn’t
highly educated; Acting was his first job; He won the Mr Universe competition;
His first job as an actor was in the theatre; and so on. Notice that the
questions, although calling for more detailed comprehension than in the first
stage, don’t call for understanding of any words, structures or pronunciation
features which I suspect the students won’t recognise – for example the word undertaker,
or the pronunciation features which I earlier identified as liable to be
Students first discuss the questions in pairs, marking off any that have
already been answered and any that they think they remember the answer to. The
tape is then replayed once or twice and the students confirm, change or
complete their answers as they listen. The follow up is the same as for the
gist stage.
So far the lesson has focused on
what the students can understand. In order to improve their listening ability,
however, I would argue that we also need to focus on what they don’t
understand, and improve their ability to recognise it the next time. I’m not
here talking about structure or vocabulary which they’ve never met and
therefore are unlikely to understand unless the text contains clear contextual
clues as to the meaning (in which case inferring meaning from context would be
a useful objective for a lesson using that text). But rather about words or
structures which they have met, but simply failed to decode.
The text contains a number of examples of pronunciation features of connected
speech such as weak forms and assimilation. Some of these, as a native speaker,
I was able to decode immediately using a purely bottom-down approach because I
expected them to be pronounced that way – in the case of most native speakers
this is, of course, a non-conscious expectation. Two examples of this are the
pronunciation of would have been with the weakening of both have
and been and the assimilation in had to which changes the /d/ to
a /t/ sound. For others, like the examples of and like and has been
mentioned above, bottom-up decoding was insufficient even for me and I had to
use a top-down approach – deciding what must have been there based on my
recognition of what came next and my knowledge of the language.
Students need to be encouraged to use this top-down approach, but we can also
help by ensuring that they recognise these pronunciation features so that they
too are expecting them. The final part of the lesson focuses on this aim:
· Listening for language: the teacher gives out a worksheet which contains examples of the
pronunciation features which s/he has predicted will cause the students
problems. In addition, if any of the answers to the tasks in the first two
stages are still unconfirmed (those with question marks still against them) the
teacher writes that section of text on the board gapping the words which appear
to be causing problems. Here is an example of the items I might gap from the
final paragraph of this text:
Throughout ………….. career ……………. been vociferous in his support
…………….independent Scotland …………. ambassador ………………. country. He received a
knighthood ……………. Queen Elizabeth in July 2000 ……….. so now we …………………….. Sir
Sean Connery.
The students look at the gapped sentences and, in pairs, predict what they
think will be the missing words, leaving any which they can’t think of. The
teacher then replays the recording, this time pausing after each gap. The
students should have the chance to hear each phrase several times – repeat it
yourself two or three times keeping the same intonation, speed and
pronunciation features while they correct or complete the transcript. Elicit
what they think and write it on the board. If everyone has understood, go
straight to the next phrase. However, if some haven’t, put up alternative
versions without confirming or correcting and then repeat the phrase again a
few times – this time gradually slowing down and progressively clarifying the
pronunciation. Then once every student has understood, progressively speed up
again adding in the reduction. Add the sentence to the board and ask students
how each element is pronounced. You can also model alternative versions with
greater or lesser reductions Write the words in phonological script to give
them a written model of the pronunciation. In this way, they are more likely to
“expect” those words to be pronounced in that way the next time they encounter
them, and their bottom-up processing abilities should gradually improve. (3)
What about other features of the text that might cause
problems, such as unknown vocabulary and structure? There are various items in
this text which I wouldn’t necessarily expect students to know - undertaker,
reservations, suave, tight, tall order, tuxedo, suggested that he audition
etc. But none of them really blocks comprehension of the text and I have chosen
here not to focus on them – indeed my tasks were designed so as to avoid them.
Keep in mind that you can’t do everything every single time. Select the
objectives which seem most important and design activities to focus on those.
However, by the end of the lesson many students want to have understood
everything, and I would always finish by handing out the transcript and letting
students listen again while they follow it. They would then have the chance to
ask about the meaning of any words or expressions which they did not fully
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